Aðalfundur BDSM á Íslandi 24.mars 2013 er nú afstaðinn.
Mættir: 19
Lesin var yfir skýrsla fráfarandi bráðabirgðastjornar.
Geir_fesseln fór yfir fjármál síðustu rétt kjörinnar stjórnar og lagði fram reikninga félagsins.
Farið var yfir bæði gömlu lögin og lagabreytingatillögur.
Ákveðið var að halda aukaaðalfund til þess að meðlimir félagsins hefðu löglegt svigrúm til þess að kynna sér lögin og fyrirlagðar lagabreytingar.
Í kjölfarið var kosið eftir núgildandi kosningalögum.
Eftifarandi aðilar voru kosnir í stjórn (dulnefni félaga):
Loved the discussion. I just want to cobtirnute a couple of comments from the sub male perspective. In talking about courage and fear re: men vs. women, their is a different basic reality. Rape/sexual violence is an ever present specter in most woman’s lives. It colors their everyday reality. Women live with the knowledge that they could inadvertenly walk into something that they will not escape from physically or emotionally unscathed. That reality just does not live in men’s live. Now some men come to know, e.g. in prison, or after being a crime victim, but its spectre does not exist UNTIL it has already happened to you. Absent direct experience it is not present in men’s lives. Many men have an alternate experience, e.g. football or boxing or hockey or the like. Personally, playing football, I learned that I could take some unbelievable hits, just get totally levelled, shake it off and do it to him on the next play. As I get older, and for lack of a better word, more frail, I am more aware of the female perspective. Whether from physical assault or my own body failing me I am at more risk than I was 5 or 10 years ago. There are hits I will not get up from. That is a new reality.Back to the discussion. So a man walking into a dungeon with a Domme, even one completely unknown, starts with every expectation that he will come out alright maybe some bruises but fundamentally alright. Paradoxically, that baseline knowledge does not eliminate the courage aspect of submission. In a recent scene when getting fucked by BAM, a humongous cock, when I felt it literally pushing against my pelvic bones from the INSIDE, and I could feel sensation shooting down my sciatic nerves on both sides, I new that I was taking a real risk. Similarly the first time getting fisted by a Domme that wears a large glove, I viscerally knew that I was taking a risk of going beyond the elasticity of my tissue. I fully trusted her, but that knowledge was constantly running through my brain. There is a significant component of courage in some BDSM play. The level of trust I place in certain Dommes is also unbelievable.